Application of Machine Vision in Agriculture
Do you remember, in the rice we used to eat, occasionally we would eat stones and other debris?Now, it is rare to eat small stones and other sundries from rice, right? Are all kinds of sundries inthe rice picked out by people? lf you rely on people to choose, everyone wants to eat rice withoutsundries, and at least they have to pay a high cost for every pound of rice they eat. Thanks to theapplication of machine vision technology in agriculture, humans can enjoy all kinds of food ofhigher quality -including rice.
How does the machine turn the rice containing impurities into rice without impurities?
The principle, and we humans think of the same way —- find the impurities in the rice, pick out and throw away, the rest, naturally, is clean rice.

So, for the machine, the main steps are.
1) find the impurities
2) take the impurities out of the rice
The principle of machine vision to achieve the above function, as shown in the figure belowUsing cameras, lenses and light sources, the impurities are “seen”.
Then, using the spray valve, the impurities seen will be blown to the impurity tank, the finished tank left, is clean rice.
Machine vision technology in the field of agriculture, far beyond the selection of rice this one. Machine vision, has been widely used in all aspects of agriculture.
1、Nondestructive testing of the quality of fruits and vegetables
Through the industrial camera image capture, the collection of fruits and vegetables morphology, color and other characteristics, the collection results will be output image processing system, according to the comparative analysis or deep learning and other technologies to derive the quality of melons and fruits qualified and other judgments.
The fruit in the hundred fruit garden, according to the size and quality of the different, different pricing sales. Even, the same quality, a larger fruit, can be sold more expensive.
2、Tobacco quality testing
Color analysis of tobacco leaf samples, preliminary acquisition of tobacco leaf color features by machine vision system, and extraction of the overall image appearance contour of the tobacco leaf using contour algorithm. Comprehensive extraction and description of leaf structure and identity features through the light transmission characteristics of tobacco leaves.
3、Application in grain identification and grading
Identification and classification of rice, wheat, corn and other grains, for example, based on crack, morphology, color features, etc., is performed by applying neural networks, high-speed filtering and other techniques.
4、Ex-factory quality inspection of agricultural and sideline products, such as factory packaging, quality conformity inspection, etc.
5、Application in agricultural machinery
Agricultural products sorting application is machine vision technology in agricultural machinery in the application of a more, mainly the use of the technology for nondestructive testing, mainly the use of the technology for nondestructive testing, in the processing of agriculture products for automatic quality detection
6, machine vision technology in the automation of agricultural production applications
In the growth process of plants and animals, according to the precise monitoring of their growth, can effectively regulate the growth environment of plants and animals to ensure that plants and animals required for production.

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