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Do3think was founded in 2007, at present we have more than 210 employees, and serving more than 2000 customers. As a technology-oriented company, we attach great importance to R&D investment, which accounts for 11% of the our total investment. We have more than 100 R&D staff and two R&D centers in Shenzhen and Changsha.
Do3think can provide OEM/ODM services for various machine vision customers.
Do3think is Honored with the National ‘Little Giant’ Recognition for Specialization On September 2nd, the Shenzhen Municipal Small and Medium Enterprises Service Bureau issued the “Public Notice on the List of the Sixth Batch of Specialized, Fine, Special and New ‘Little Giant’ Enterprises and the Third Batch of ‘Little Giant’ Enterprises that…
Do3think also quietly staged two unique badminton matches in this wave of sportsmanship in the vibrant land of Dalang, Shenzhen.
VISION Stuttgart is one of the largest machine vision technology exhibitions in the world.we will show how our machine vision hardware solutions work in different applications.